måndag 29 november 2010

More info on Flashlight and Droid.

Wow! There has been a lot of talk on Android fragmentation, meaning that there are a lot of different versions of Android out in the wild that developers need to take into account. And to complicate it even further, not all handsets are created equal, which means that even if they are running the same Android version, they might not contain the same hardware. That is something that speaks a lot in favor of Iphone, don't get me wrong I love Android and its open architecture, but it makes it a lot harder to develop for Android.

I still haven't been able to lay my hands on a Droid and checking it out, but apparently it does not support emitting constant light from the flash. See this link for more information on that. I made some minor changes to Flashlight, namely checking for existence of flash before trying to get the light to turn on. Thank you all for feedback and error reporting. I am working on another app, that collects info on car travels and then exports it to Excel for further analysis. Again, besides that I see a personal use for it, it is good fun and a lot of learning involved. I will make it available on Market as soon as it is in a useable from, hopefully during next week.

tisdag 2 november 2010

Regarding my App

In regards to my previous post and the published application. Feedback is welcome, especially so if there is stuff that doesn't work or if there's something you think could have been better/different. Please use the email address pallenygren@hotmail.com for all feedback / questions. The Flashlight application has had a minor fix; the orientation would change according to how the user held the phone, now it is always in portrait mode to prevent the light from turning off when the internal sensor detects a change in orientation.

I have had a report that it does not work on a Droid 2, since I do not have access to one of these devices I would appreciate reports from more people how the Flashlight app behaves on Droids.